
24th June 2006

Today's sightings included a couple of interesting birds. The first was a Siskin flying overhead from Lady Blantyre's Rock heading North East. This birds presence at this time of year suggests that there marbe a pair breeding locally if not in St.Ives. Hopefully a familt party will be seen in the next couple of weeks.......

A male Tree Pipit at Heather Park was the second decent sighting of this mornings walk. This is also intriguing as it's been about a month since I last saw one in the same spot singing. Have they managed to stay and breed or is it a failed breeder from elsewhere trying his luck ?

The rest of my walk went true to form, all the usual woodland species and most of them now have fledged young. Three pairs of Coots were at three different stages in their breeding cycle. One pair had independant young, another had downy young, while the third were doing some home improvements preparing for the next clutch! Also on Coppice Pond 13 well grown Canada Geese goslings were in a creche while 16 adults were keeping their distance.

In the woods, Great Spotted Woodpeckers were everywhere with young not far behind. Jays were also very vocal all around the Estate grounds. Swallows were seen zooming low over the STRI grounds with young sat on the fences eagerly waiting to be fed. A feeding party of c30 Swifts were found over Racecourse Plantation.

Three Chiffchaff and several Blackcap are still singing alongside the omnipresent Wrens.

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