
Recent sightings from B.Nield

Below is an email sent by B.Nield after his first visit into St.Ives Estate.

Hello, I had a trip up to St.Ives Estate yesterday & had a walk around the
coppice pond area & a long sit in the new observation area. There were 30+ Canada Geese, 20+ B.H.Gulls, 15+ Mallards, 6 coot & a Moorhen on the water, unfortunately getting severly harrassed by Dogs jumping into the water after them.

At the feeding station:
Robins:5, Not fighting just all feeding in different areas together.
Dunnocks:3, Same as Robins not fighting.
Pheasants:1M & 1F, very shy but male came out when it was quiet.
Wood Pigeons:6, Mega shy usually came out when no people in hide. Managed
2 when on my own. Great Tits:8+, Blue Tits:3, Coal Tits:6, L.T. Tits : 2's & occasional party of 5. Nuthatch:3 at one time. Chaffinch:1 lonely female. Treecreeper:1, had a good look around the trees at the station on 2 occasions. Sparrowhawk:1, only a fleeting glance against the sun, so no way to sex. Blackbirds:2 pairs, again no fighting all feeding together. I also saw a wood mouse nip out for a few seeds & there were 6
Squirrels at one time.